45 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

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If you’re looking for a luxurious and loyal pet, you can’t go wrong with a dog. But some breeds are more costly than others, and they can make a real dent in your wallet. Take a look at the most expensive dog breeds in the world and their cost. From rarer breeds to those that require special care, these four-legged companions come with a hefty price tag.

Purebred Tibetan Mastiff – $20,000

The average price for a purebred Tibetan Mastiff is around $20,000. They’re rare and have a long list of desirable characteristics. Tibetan Mastiffs are known for their regal appearance, as well as their intelligence and bravery. They’re very loyal, often forming strong bonds with their owners.

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A Tibetan Mastiff might be the perfect choice if you’re looking for a gorgeous and loyal canine companion and can afford the steep price tag. They make for affectionate, protective, and attentive companions.

Canadian Eskimo Dog – $16,000

The Canadian Eskimo Dog is one of the most expensive breeds of dog in the world, with an average price tag of around $16,000. This breed of dog is native to Canada’s Arctic region. They’re very loyal and affectionate to their families and require a lot of exercise and activity to stay healthy.

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If you’re considering adding a Canadian Eskimo Dog to your family, be prepared for a big commitment — and a hefty price tag! These dogs can live up to 15 years and require much attention and care.

The American Bully – $15,000

If you’re looking for a luxurious and regal pup, look no further than the American Bully. This breed is popular due to its intimidating and robust build, as well as its loving and loyal nature. The American Bully can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000 and has an impressive appearance.

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These impressive dogs are known for their powerful and muscled body. They typically range between 45-80 pounds and stand between 17-21 inches tall. They have a broad and square-shaped head, small ears, round eyes, and a short, broad muzzle.

Samoyed – $14,000

The Samoyed is one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world, with prices starting at around $14,000. This ancient breed is often referred to as the Smiling Sammie due to its tendency to smile widely when happy. Sammies are loyal and friendly, but they also have an independent streak.

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The Samoyed has a long, fluffy coat that requires regular grooming and maintenance. Due to its rarity, high maintenance needs, and hardy demeanor, the Samoyed is considered one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – $12,000

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a breed of toy spaniels first bred in England in the 17th century. This pup is known for its sweet and gentle temperament, making it a great companion and family pet. On average, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel costs around $12,000.

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The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a tiny breed and usually weighs between 13-18 pounds, with a lifespan of up to 15 years. If you’re looking for a loving companion, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel may be the perfect fit for your family. Despite their high cost, they’ll surely bring you years of joy and companionship.

Chow Chow – $10,000

The Chow Chow is a large, powerful dog that originated in Northern China. This breed is known for its unique lion-like appearance, thick mane, and curled tail. They’re loyal to their owners and make excellent companions for those who understand their personalities.

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The Chow Chow can cost between $5,000 to $10,000. Though the price tag may be high, these dogs are incredibly devoted to their owners and make excellent companions.

Rottweiler – $10,000

The Rottweilers can cost up to $10,000. This large, powerful breed has a long history alongside humans. It’s renowned for its strength and loyalty. They are intelligent and often display an independent spirit.

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However, their intelligence also means they need a consistent owner who can provide them with leadership and exercise. Training is essential to ensure they develop into well-rounded family pets. With proper care, a Rottweiler can be a loving, loyal companion for many years.

Löwchen – $8000

When it comes to luxury and exclusivity, the Löwchen is an excellent choice. The Löwchen, also known as the Little Lion Dog, is a breed of small dog that usually weighs less than 10 pounds and originates from Germany and France. The species is known for its signature long fur, which often grows in two layers, with the undercoat being longer than the topcoat.

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The Löwchen requires regular grooming and trimming, which adds to its overall cost. It’s a brilliant dog, and it excels at obedience training. The average cost of a Löwchen puppy ranges from $6,000 to $8,000. If you’re looking for an exotic breed that will bring a little bit of extra luxury into your life, the Löwchen is a perfect choice!

Dogo Argentino – $8,000

The Dogo Argentino, otherwise known as the Argentine Mastiff, is a big, white, short-coated dog with a muscular and intimidating build. This breed is believed to be one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world, with prices ranging up to $8,000.

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They have tremendous strength and stamina and are highly intelligent and obedient when adequately trained. The breed has a very loyal and devoted nature, making them ideal family pets and guardians. If you’re committed to putting in the hours and energy needed to train your Dogo Argentino properly, you’ll be rewarded with a fantastic pet for life.

Afghan Hound – $7,000

The Afghan Hound is a large and elegant dog breed that has been bred for centuries to roam in the rugged terrain of Afghanistan. This majestic breed will require regular grooming and exercise and make a fantastic pet.

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Not only is the Afghan Hound one of the most beautiful dogs you’ll ever see, but they’re also one of the most costly breeds in the world. They can cost up to $7,000! The Afghan Hound is worth considering if you’re looking for an exotic, regal dog breed.

French Bulldog – $6,000

The French Bulldog is a relatively new breed, developed in the 19th century as a mix of English Bulldogs and various other small breeds. These dogs are intelligent and very friendly, which makes them excellent companions. They’re also trendy for their unique appearance – a short and muscular body with a bat-like face and perky ears.

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But their most notable trait is their price tag – it can cost up to $6,000 to purchase a French Bulldog puppy! However, these little cuties are worth every penny – they’re loyal, affectionate, and always ready to play.

Pharaoh Hound – $6,000

The Pharaoh Hound is among the most ancient dog breeds in the world, with its origins believed to date back thousands of years to ancient Egypt. This majestic breed has a regal appearance, tanned color, and graceful physique.

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Its short coat is easy to maintain, but the Pharaoh Hound is not suitable for every lifestyle. With an average price of $6,000, this breed is on the higher price scale. They’re an intelligent and loyal breed, making them great companions and dedicated family members.

Saluki – $5,000

The Saluki, sometimes referred to as the Persian Greyhound, is a breed of dog originating in the Middle East. This breed is known for its faithfulness and intelligence. It has an average life expectancy of 12-14 years. The Saluki is among the most expensive species, with a price tag of around $5,000.

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It’s known to be a very affectionate and independent breed, which makes them ideal for those who prefer to have a less clingy pet. The Saluki is also known for its excellent eyesight and incredible speed, making it a popular breed for running.

Akita – $5,000

The Akita is a powerful and imposing breed originating in Japan. This majestic breed was traditionally used as a guard dog for aristocrats and royalty. Today, the Akita can make a great companion dog for people who are ready to put in the effort to train them properly.

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Akitas can be incredibly loyal and loving but stubborn and sometimes aggressive if mishandled. The average cost of an Akita is around $5,000, making it one of the most expensive breeds in the world.

Portuguese Water Dog – $5,000

The Portuguese Water Dog is among the world’s most expensive dog breeds. A purebred can typically cost around $5,000. The Portuguese Water Dog is an intelligent and loyal breed that loves spending time with its family.

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They have an average life expectancy of 12-14 years and need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. If you’re looking for a loyal, friendly, and brilliant pup, the Portuguese Water Dog is a great choice!

English Bulldog – $4,000

The English Bulldog is a popular breed of dog, often recognized by its wrinkled face and stocky build. Their adorable demeanor and calm attitude make them an excellent choice for those who want a loyal companion. But with such charm comes a hefty price tag; the average cost of an English Bulldog is around $4,000.

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These pups can also come with quite a hefty vet bill due to their susceptibility to various health issues. Fortunately, an English Bulldog can be a loving and loyal friend for many years with proper care.

Bedlington Terrier – $4,000

The Bedlington Terrier is a small, active breed easily recognizable for its unique lamb-like appearance. Despite their soft and cuddly looks, these little dogs are pretty courageous and independent, making them ideal companions for those seeking a loyal pup.

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They’re also relatively easy to train, which helps keep their price tag around the $4,000 mark. This price may seem steep, but Bedlington Terriers make excellent watchdogs and have a fun, lively personality that will keep their owners entertained.

Lakeland Terrier – $3,000

The Lakeland Terrier is a small and active terrier originating from England. It has a wiry coat and comes in various colors, including black, blue, red, and wheat. As one of the world’s top most expensive dog breeds, it can cost around $3,000 to purchase a Lakeland Terrier puppy.

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They’re loyal, affectionate dogs that require daily exercise and interaction. This breed has an independent spirit and is known for its tenacious personality. While they may bark at strangers, they make wonderful companions and are excellent with children.

Irish Wolfhound – $3,000

The Irish Wolfhound is an ancient breed initially used for guarding. This large breed can weigh up to 120 pounds and have a shoulder height of more than three feet. With their distinctive shaggy fur and long, slim legs, the Irish Wolfhound has a commanding presence.

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This breed is known for its kind temperament and loyalty, making it a wonderful family pet. Although the Irish Wolfhound isn’t cheap, with an average price tag of $3,000, you can rest assured that you’re getting a loyal companion for life.

Azawakh – $3,000

The Azawakh is a unique and rare dog breed used today to guard livestock, perform competitive obedience and agility sports, and even show off in the ring. The Azawakh stands around 24-29 inches tall and can weigh between 33-55 pounds.

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The Azawakh is also one of the most expensive dog breeds, with an average cost of around $3,000. They’re not a common breed, but if you’re looking for an independent and loyal companion, the Azawakh may be the perfect fit.

Black Russian Terrier — $3,000–$5,000

The Black Russian Terrier is a powerful, large breed that makes for an excellent guard dog. Bred in Eastern Europe, this breed is brilliant and can be trained to do various tasks. They have thick coats that can be either solid black or a mix of black and tan.

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While they’re friendly and outgoing with their family, they can be territorial and protective of their home and won’t hesitate to act if there’s a perceived threat. The Black Russian Terrier can cost up to $5,000, making them one of the more expensive breeds in the world.

Bernese Mountain Dog — $2,500–$3,500

The majestic Bernese Mountain Dogs are highly sought after for their intelligence, good-natured personalities, and beautiful coat. They’re incredibly loyal and thrive on human companionship, making them the perfect pet for an owner with lots of time and love to give.

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The breed’s price tag can range from $2,500 to $3,500, depending on the breeder and bloodline. While they may cost a pretty penny, these gentle giants compensate for it with their unconditional love and devotion.

Biewer Terrier — $2,500–$3,500

The Biewer Terrier is a relatively new breed, only having been around since the 1980s. The Biewer is a small, friendly companion dog with a beautiful long, silky white fur coat. Despite its diminutive size, the Biewer is an active and energetic breed that loves to play and requires plenty of exercise.

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They’re also very smart, making them easy to train. In terms of price, Biewers can cost anywhere from $2,500 to $3,500. Although these dogs may come with a hefty price tag, they’re beloved for their cheerful personalities and charming looks, making them a great addition to any family.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier — $2,000–$3,500

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or Staffy, is a medium-sized breed of dog known for its affectionate, loyal, and playful personality. This strong, muscular breed is originally from England. Despite its rough reputation, the Staffy has a lot of love to give and is a great family companion.

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A Staffy typically ranges from $2,000 to $3,500 in price, depending on their lineage. This price tag makes them one of the more expensive breeds, but their loyalty and love are worth every penny!

St. Bernard — $1,500–$3,500

Regarding expensive dog breeds, St. Bernard is undoubtedly up there. These majestic dogs typically cost between $1,500 and $3,500, depending on where you purchase one. They have a kind, gentle demeanor and make excellent companions, but they require plenty of grooming and maintenance due to their long, thick coats.

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St. Bernards love the outdoors, and they make excellent family pets. A St. Bernard may be the perfect fit if you’re looking for a loyal and loving companion who will be a part of your family for years to come.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog — $2,500–$3,000

Another seriously expensive dog breed is the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. This breed is known for its large size and intelligence. They make excellent guard dogs with their protective nature and are very affectionate towards their owners.

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The average cost of a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is between $2,500 and $3,000. Although these dogs can be expensive to purchase, they require minimal grooming and are relatively healthy, so at least there are no high added costs.

Golden Retriever — $2,000–$3,000

The beloved Golden Retriever also comes with a high price. Known for their loyalty and intelligence, these popular family pets cost anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000. The breed is well-suited for children and excellent for families who want a loyal and loving companion.

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Golden Retrievers are gentle, patient, and eager to please, making them easy to train. They also have a natural love of swimming and other outdoor activities, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking for a great outdoor companion.

Shikoku — $2,000–$3,000

Shikoku is an ancient dog breed hailing from Shikoku Island in Japan. These dogs are well-known for their hardy, loyal, and alert personalities. They’re also known for their athleticism and obedience, making them an excellent choice for those who enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and running.

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Depending on the breeder, these medium-sized dogs typically cost between $2,000 and $3,000. They have a thick double coat that requires regular brushing to keep them looking healthy and free from matting. They can also make great family pets with proper training and socialization.

Newfoundland — $1,500–$2,500

The Newfoundland is a powerful and devoted family dog, originally hailing from the rugged island of Newfoundland off the east coast of Canada. This breed is an active and capable working dog breed, having been used in Canada as a search-and-rescue and water-rescue dog.

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They’re large and have a thick, weather-resistant coat that comes in black, brown, or grey and requires regular brushing. Newfoundlands are expensive due to their rarity, with puppies costing around $1,500 to $2,500. Owners must be prepared for the necessary grooming and training. This large breed requires the vet bills associated with them.

The Great Dane — $600-$3,000

The Great Dane is one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world, with prices ranging from $600 to $3,000. This majestic and powerful breed was initially used as a guard dog and remains popular today for its size, strength, and intelligence.

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Despite their size, Great Danes are loyal and gentle with their families, though they need to be properly socialized with other animals and people. As such, it’s crucial to research potential breeders carefully before bringing a Great Dane into your home.

Doberman Pinscher — $1,500-$2,500

The Doberman Pinscher is a highly intelligent breed. They’re fiercely loyal, making them ideal guard dogs. Despite their imposing size, they’re gentle and affectionate with their family. This breed can cost anywhere between $1,500 and $2,500.

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The cost of a Doberman Pinscher may depend on the quality of the breeder and the dog’s age and lineage. Although they’re more expensive than some breeds, they’re an excellent choice for those looking for a strong, devoted, and reliable companion.

Caucasian Ovtcharka — $1000-$3000

The Caucasian Ovtcharka is a loyal and courageous guard dog known for its strength and powerful bark. The Caucasian Ovtcharka is native to the Caucasus Mountains and was bred by shepherds to protect flocks. Its protective instincts are still strong today, making it an excellent choice for guarding families, homes, and property.

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The Caucasian Ovtcharka can cost between $1000 and $3000 and has a lifespan of 10-12 years. The breed requires regular exercise and socialization to remain calm and well-balanced.

Tosa Inu — $1,700-$2,500

The Tosa Inu is an expensive breed of dog that originates from Japan. Despite their aggressive past, they make great family pets nowadays as they’re very loyal and affectionate. However, they do require a lot of exercise and attention.

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A Tosa Inu can range from $1,700 to $2,500, depending on the breeder. They have a short, thick coat and can be any color, though black is the most common. This breed also has an impressive height and weight range of 23-31 inches and 86-200 pounds, respectively.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever — $1,800-$2,500

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is a medium-sized breed that stands at about 20 inches in height and weighs around 50 pounds. This breed is known for its intelligence and ability to lure in waterfowl by running, jumping, and playing in the water.

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The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is typically priced at around $1,800 to $2,500. Although this breed may be pricey, it’s worth every penny as it’s a loyal and loving companion that will always be there for its owners.

Dogue de Bordeaux — $1,400-$2,900

The Dogue de Bordeaux is one of the oldest French dog breeds, dating back to the 14th century. These muscular, loyal, devoted dogs stand between 23-27 inches tall and weigh anywhere between 80-145 pounds.

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They have strong jaws and an excellent guard instinct, making them wonderful watchdogs. A Dogue de Bordeaux puppy can cost up to $2,900 depending on pedigree, health, and breeder, but they’re worth every penny as they’re loving and devoted companions that will give you years of happiness.

Berger Picard — $2,000-$2,500

The Berger Picard breed is originally from France and can cost between $2,000 and $2,500. They’re considered very loyal and intelligent dogs that form strong bonds with their owners. Berger Picards require a lot of exercise to stay healthy but make excellent jogging partners.

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They have curly coats in various colors, including fawn, gray, and brindle. While they’re not particularly difficult to train, they need early socialization to be well-behaved. Overall, these dogs make excellent companions and are worth the investment for those willing to take on the challenge of owning one!

Norfolk Terrier — $2,000–$2,500

The Norfolk Terrier originated in England and is classified as a small-sized breed. It has a wiry double coat and large, erect ears, giving it a playful and alert look. The Norfolk Terrier is a loyal and friendly pet that loves to be around people and is incredibly dedicated to its owners.

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They’re known for their intelligence and determination and make great family pets. The Norfolk Terrier is also very active and loves to run and play. While they may be slightly more expensive than other breeds, their personality makes them well worth the price. The average cost of this breed is between $2,000 and $2,500.

Cane Corso — $1,500-$4,000

This beautiful Italian mastiff is incredibly loyal, making them an ideal guard dog. With their muscular body and large size, the Cane Corso are formidable, but they’re also gentle and affectionate with their families.

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On average, a Cane Corso will cost between $1,500 and $4,000. While they require regular grooming and exercise, they are low-maintenance regarding feeding. They do best with an experienced owner who can provide them with love and attention.

Neapolitan Mastiff — $800-$5,000

The Neapolitan Mastiff typically costs between $800 and $5,000. This Italian breed is an ancient guardian breed bred to protect and defend property. The Neapolitan Mastiff is a large, muscular dog with a wrinkled face and jowls that often droop.

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The breed can be fiercely loyal and protective, although they’re usually loving and gentle with family members. While it does require regular exercise, the Neapolitan Mastiff can be relatively calm indoors and is usually okay with apartment living as long as it gets its daily walks.

Olde English Bulldogge — $200-$6,500

The Olde English Bulldogge has a lifespan of around 10-12 years and usually ranges in price from $200 to $6,500. The breed is considered rare and recognized by the United Kennel Club and American Rare Breed Association. They have robust bodies, muscular builds, large heads, and broad chests.

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Old English Bulldogges are known for their gentle, loyal, and devoted temperaments, making them excellent family pets. If you’re looking for a family pet that’s both loyal and friendly, the Olde English Bulldogge may be the perfect choice for you.

Borzoi — $2,950

The Borzoi is a majestic and regal-looking dog. Also known as the Russian Wolfhound, this breed was originally bred to run after small game. They have a long, silky coat that comes in various colors and is an iconic symbol of nobility. The Borzoi is an independent, dignified, gentle breed with an even temperament.

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They make excellent companion animals and are quite intelligent. They can run 40 miles per hour and need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. With a price tag of $2,950, the Borzoi is a luxurious and elegant breed that any owner would be proud to have.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever — $2,950

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is known for intelligence, courage, and strength. Originally bred to retrieve waterfowl, these dogs have thick coats that can withstand the cold temperatures of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.

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These pups are known to be loyal and protective, making them excellent guard dogs. They’re also relatively low maintenance, requiring minimal grooming and exercise. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever typically costs around $2,950 and can make a great addition to any family.

Dalmatian — $3,000

Dalmatians are among the most recognizable breeds with their iconic spotted coats. These large-sized dogs can cost anywhere from $2,500 to $3,000, depending on their lineage and where you purchase them from. Dalmatians are intelligent and active dogs who need lots of exercise and attention.

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They can be great family companions and make loyal friends. They’re also protective and can make good watchdogs. The Dalmatian may be the right breed for you if you’re looking for a reliable, friendly, and protective pup!

Giant Schnauzer  — $3,250

The Giant Schnauzer is a large, sturdy dog breed that originated in Germany. It has a dense, wiry coat and a bold, alert personality. This breed was originally bred to guard farms and livestock and is known for its protective nature. They’re also knowledgeable, making them excellent watchdogs.

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Though they require a lot of exercise and training, the Giant Schnauzer can be a great companion if adequately trained. They usually cost around $3,250 for a purebred puppy, making them one of the more expensive breeds in the world.

Inu Shiba — $2,000-$3,500

Highly recognizable thanks to their unique features, the Japanese Inu Shiba dogs are in pretty high demand around the world. The name translates from Japanese to “firewood dog,” and it’s the perfect companion for people living on mountainous terrains.

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While they come in different colors, their size is always pretty small, and they’re known for their agility. Luckily, there’s also pretty easy to train for living with a family. They do, however, cost quite a bit, with champion puppies costing up to $3,500.